Chapter 10 The Future Tense
The simple future tense is translated in English by the will or shall form of the verb. There is only one set of endings for all the groups.
The English tense known as future active (such as will be going) is translated in Italian as the simple future tense.
Pronunciation note: All verbs in the future tense follow pronunciation rules A and B.
Group 1 verbs end in -are. The infinitive is modified by replacing the “a” of the group ending with the final “e” of the group ending.
The tense endings (-ò, -ai, -à, -ẹmo, -ẹte, -anno) are added to the modified infinitive.
The following examples demonstrate the forms.
I shall, will fly | Io | volare | volerò (voh-lay-rAW) |
you shall, will speak | Tu | parlare | parlerai (pahr-lay-rAH-ee) |
He, she, who shall, will swim | Lei, Lui, Chi | nuotare | nuoterà (nuoh-tay-rAH) |
We shall, will carry | Noi | portare | porterẹmo (pohr-tay-rAY-moh) |
You shall, will order | Voi | ordenare | ordenerẹte (ohr-day-nay-rAY-tay) |
They, who shall, will buy | Loro, Chi | comprare | compreranno (cohm-pray-rAHn-noh) |
In group 1, some verbs have irregular stems in the future tense.
andare, to go: andrò, andrai, andrà, andrẹmo, andrẹte, andranno
Like andare: riandare, to go back
dare, to give: darò, darai, darà, darẹmo, darẹte, daranno
Like dare: ridare, to give back
Like fare: | assuefare, to accustom, inure | contraffare, to counterfeit | disassuefare, to give up a habit |
disfare, to undo | liquefare, to liquify | putrefare, to putrify | |
rarefare, to rarefy | rifare, to do over, repeat | sfare, to undo, to thaw, melt | |
soddisfare, to satisfy | soprafare, to overwhelm | strafare, to do too much, overdo | |
stupefare, to stupefy | torrefare, to roast | tumefare, to swell |
stare, to be: starò, starai, starà, starẹmo, starẹte, staranno
ristare, to stop, desist: ristò, ristai, ristà, ristarẹmo, ristarẹte, ristaranno
On occasion, it will be necessary to add an "h" to preserve the original sound of a verb, such as pagare > pagherò.
Verbs which end with "ciare" or "giare" drop the "i", for example lasciare > lascerò.
Groups 2 and 3 are formed in the same way. The final “e” of the infinitive is dropped, and the endings (-ò, -ai, -à, -ẹmo, -ẹte, -anno) are added.
The following examples demonstrate the forms.
I shall, will win | Io | vịncere | vincerò (veen-chay-rAW) |
you shall, will sell | Tu | vẹndere | venderai (vayn-day-rAH-ee) |
He, she, who shall, will read | Lei, Lui, Chi | lęggere | leggerà (layj jay-rAH) |
We shall, will enjoy | Noi | godere | goderẹmo (goh-day-rAY-moh) |
You shall, will exist | Voi | esịstere | esisterẹte (ay-zees-tay-rAY-tay) |
They, who shall, will deduce | Loro, Chi | dedurre | dedurranno (day-doo-rrAHn-noh) |
In group 2, some verbs are irregular in the future tense.
avere, to have: avrò, avrai, avrà, avrẹmo, avrẹte, avranno
bevere, to drink: berrò, berrai, berrà, berrẹmo, berrẹte, berranno
Like bevere: imbevere, to imbibe
Like cadere | accadere, to befall | decadere, to decay |
ricadere, to relapse, fall again | scadere, to decline, deteriorate |
Like cuǫcere: | commuǫvere, to move emotionally | muǫvere, to move |
nuǫcere, to harm | percuǫtere, to strike | promuǫvere, to promote |
ricuǫcere, to recook | rimuǫvere, to remove | riscuǫtere, to draw a salary |
scuǫcere, to overcook | scuǫtere, to shake | smuǫvere, to budge |
sommuǫvere, to incite, stir up | stracuǫcere, to overdo |
dolere, to ache: dorrò, dorrai, dorrà, dorrẹmo, dorrẹte, dorranno
dovere, to be obliged: dovrò, dovrai, dovrà, dovrẹmo, dovrẹte, dovranno
ęssere, to be: sarò, sarai, sarà, sarẹmo, sarẹte, saranno
parere, to seem: parrò, parrai, parrà, parrẹmo, parrẹte, parranno
potere, to be able: potrò, potrai, potrà, potrẹmo, potrẹte, potranno
rimanere, to stay: rimarrò, rimarrai, rimarrà, rimarrẹmo, rimarrẹte, rimarranno
sapere, to know: saprò, saprai, saprà, saprẹmo, saprẹte, sapranno
Like tenere: | appartenere, to belong to | contenere, to contain |
detenere, to detain | mantenere, to maintain | ottenere, to obtain |
ritenere, to retain | sostenere, to sustain | trattenere, to restrain |
valere, to be worth: varrò, varrai, varrà, varrẹmo, varrẹte, varranno
Like valere: equivalere, to be equivalent to
invalere, to catch on , become fashionable prevalere, to be prevalent, to prevail
Like vedere: | antivedere, to foresee | intravedere, to glimpse |
prevedere, to see ahead | provedere, to provide, look after | rivedere, to see again |
stravedere, to see things, hallucinate | travedere, to be misled |
volere, to be willing: vorrò, vorrai, vorrà, vorrẹmo, vorrẹte, vorranno
Like volere: benvolere, to like someone
disvolere, to stop liking someone malvolere, to dislike someone rivolere, to want something back
In group 3, some verbs are irregular in the future tense.
morire, to die: morrò, morrai, morrà, morrẹmo, morrẹte, morranno
Like morire: prẹmorire, to die before, predecease
Like venire: | addivenire, to come to | avvenire, to happen |
circonvenire, to circumvent | contravenire, to contravene | convenire, to convene |
divenire, to become | intervenire, to intervene | pervenire, to reach |
prevenire, to prevent | riconvenire, to reconvene | ridivenire, to become again |
rinvenire, to rediscover, recover | risoveniresi, to recollect | rivenire, to come back |
sconvenire, to be unbecoming | sovvenire, to help | svenire, to faint |